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Friday, September 3, 2010

Ricky Hatton: "I'm Done."

   Sixteen months after being knocked out in the second round by Manny Pacquiao in Las Vegas, Nevada, Ricky Hatton officially announced in BBC Radio at Manchester that he may never come back to the boxing ring and fight again.

   "You can never say never. But if I was to put my last pound on it, i would say 'no, that's me done'" Hatton said. Hatton also said that he'll just concentrate on promoting other fighters. He added: "I announced that I was going to make a comeback. I came back off holiday and went into a training camp for three weeks, but it wasn't just the same."

   But Hatton himself hinted about his return. Hatton recently renewed his boxing license with Bristish Boxing Board of Control. Asked why, he answered "Just in case one day I do wake up and think 'come on, let's give it another go.'"

(TheBloggerSays: I thinks Ricky's retirement is made just too soon. There's still so much left in him. He can still have good match up and bouts with Juan Manuel Marquez or Amir Khan. Or even maybe Michael Katsidis.)



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