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Friday, July 23, 2010

Goldberg Really Wants "One Last Match"

   In an interview with the San Diego Union-Tribune, former wrestling champion Bill Goldberg said he wants one final wrestling match because he wants his family to see him wrestle live.

   “If the money was right, I’d go out there and do it in two seconds,” Goldberg said. “I’d have to be totally prepared for it, because I wouldn’t want to tarnish my image, but I’d like to be in the ring one more time so that my wife and my son can see me wrestle live.”
   He also discussed his love/hate relationship with the wrestling industry in the interview.
   “I don’t ever want to say that I miss anything about the wrestling business,” Goldberg said. “I miss the ability to put a smile on a kid’s face, more than one at a time. That was a true charge for me.”

(The Blogger Says: I don't believe that Bill doesn't miss anything. I'm pretty sure he does miss something out of pro wrestling. I mean, he's got more energy and passion than anyone else active today than when he was. He enjoys it. I think. If not, he'd be stuck making movies.)


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