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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Batista Quits Pro Wrestling; Will Do MMA Next?

   Half-Filipino, half-Greek 6-time world champion Batista decided to call it's quit at the WWE after over a decade of body-slamming in the squared circle, mainly because of the injuries he suffered last May 23 PPV, Over The Limit. But the news buzzing around is, after his last appearance on RAW last May 24th, "The Animal" will pursue a career in MMA! With a video of him seen training at Affliction, WWE alumni Jim Ross was asked about his comments about Batista joining the likes of Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar in the MMA, he stated in his blog :

   “I’ve heard some rumblings that when Batista gets healthy that he might try his hand in the MMA world. This rumor is FAR from official but I do know that Batista has been doing some MMA training and has a bona fide interest in the genre,” Ross wrote.

   He then added, “This would be a huge challenge for Batista if he indeed attempts to compete in MMA at a high level which, again, is not a done deal.”

   As for WWE's John Cena "As for Batista, I never know how permanent 'quitting' really is. The only two I've seen quit, and truly not come back yet are JBL and HBK."

   WWE has yet to announce it's official statement about Batista's actions but news around the company is he'll comeback before Wrestlemania 27. His profile on WWE's website is also transferred from RAW to Alumni section.


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