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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Batista Talks About His Reasons For Leaving and Doing MMA

   As noted before, Batista was at this week's Strikeforce MMA show and made it clear that he left WWE because he was unhappy with the direction of the company. Dave Meltzer asked Batista if he would do something like Chris Jericho and return in a year or two. Batista said he didn't want to be compared to Jericho and said he had no plans on returning but did not rule out a return one day.
   Batista joked that he was in Los Angeles looking for work and said he's open for offers, be it MMA or acting. Batista has had discussions about doing a reality TV show.

   Apparently Batista has been approached with an offer by a non-major MMA group. Word is that it's a big money offer and is for two fights, likely pay-per-view events and the first opponent would be a well-known former headliner. This is the same offer that Batista hinted around about when he was leaving WWE. Batista has been training regularly at the Affliction gym and has dropped considerable weight since leaving WWE. Most believe that a MMA career for Batista is highly unlikely, given his age and experience, among other things.

   Batista's contract with WWE has expired and he is a free agent.
TNA did make an offer to Batista but with the large amount of money they have spent on bringing in other big names recently, they couldn't come close to matching what he had been earning in WWE.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


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