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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rampage Wants WWE!

   After a hosting stint last week at RAW along with his A-Team co-stars, former UFC champ Quinton "Rampage" Jackson expressed his desires to join WWE via his Tweeter account.

   He said "I was like a kid today,I have not been happy this past week,but meeting my child hood heros,and making new friends was all I needed I'm back," Quinton said. "I will tell y'all everything tomorrow,it's late here,I'm still on tour,I will let y'all know what I'm doing so y'all can keep u,btw I want n." He then added "Everybody was cool! They r a bunch of big kids like me,doing what they love. Big Show was so funny! He showed me the choke slam. I want n!!!".


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