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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Deadman is "Wrestling's Most Absurd Storyline"

   According to UGO Entertainment's official website,, WWE's "Phenom" The Undertaker character is it's most absurd storyline ever. Joining the likes such as "HBK tagging with God", "Hornswoogle as Vince's son", "Mae Young gives birth", the "Deadman" ranks no. 1 among them.

Here's what has posted: "Make no mistake: The Undertaker is a tremendous talent. His longevity as a performer, his constantly evolving ring work, his masterful understanding of wrestling psychology and his instantly recognizable gimmick all ensure that he is a future Hall of Famer. However, that gimmick is absolutely ridiculous." Then added: "When The Deadman debuted, professional wrestling was a very different place, and The Undertaker fit in perfectly. However, as the rest of the landscape changed, toning down the more outrageous gimmick, The Undertaker retained every wacky bit of his, including his control over lightning, his ability to appear out of nowhere and even the loyal druids that attend him. And on top of that, try explaining to someone who doesn’t know anything about wrestling why the huge, creepy undead dude with magical powers is a good guy."


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