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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Eric "Butterbean" Esch Q&A Interview

   Known as "King of the 4 Rounders" in boxing, Eric "Butterbean" Esch, now a MMA athlete, answered some questions thru his Facebook account exclusively for this blog. He talked about his coming MMA fight on Sept. 18 against Marius Pudzianowski and his future plans after the said bout.

Good day Mr. Esch! You've just turned 44 and you've knocked down and out so many guys all over the world via different types of combat sports, are you still planning to switch to another sport after doing MMA?

- Boxing maybe? Depends who.

Do you have a dream match or opponent for yourself?

-No. Just whatever comes my way at this age.

I learned that your two good sons are also fighters, do you train them yourself? 

-Yes, I do train them. And a few of other fighters that I know.

Now about your upcoming fight against Marius Pudzianowski, what can you say about the guy? I mean he's a strongman champion and looks like a human-hulk, do these credentials intimidate you?

-I think he's stupid. Being a strong man and fighting MMA is like apples and oranges. Intimidate ME? NOT AT ALL!! You'll see when I fight him, I WILL KNOCK HIM OUT!!!

After the fight, do you have immediate plans for the the future? Do you plan to fight one more guy?

-I will have another fight after. not sure who yet tho.

You worked with WWE twice, a staged and a shoot fight as well with Knoxville (Johnny) in Jackass. Which one do you enjoy more?


Do you have any message for the fans on your next fight and future endeavors?

-I WILL KNOCK OUT Pudzianowski BY THE 2nd ROUND!! BET ON IT!!! I feel good and I will keep fighting until I feel it it time to retire. But not yet.

(TheBloggerSays: Mr. Esch is humble enough and great to give me this opportunity. I hope this will be the first of my many chats or interviews with big and great athletes like Mr Esch.)

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