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Friday, August 27, 2010

Texas Grants Antonio Margarito A License

   Mexican Antonio Margarito needed only $20 and no six hour hearing is required like he had at California to ensure a license and that his super fight with Filipino Manny Pacquiao will go on. The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation granted Margarito his license to fight within their grounds. The Pacquiao-Margarito bout, scheduled November 13, will take place at Cowboys Stadium in Dallas, Texas.

   "I want to thank the state of Texas for granting me a boxing license which enables me to continue my passion for the sport of boxing in the United States. I have dedicated my life to giving the fans of the sport entertainment and excitement." Margarito said. He then added "On November 13, this great opportunity will ultimately be fulfilled when I battle Manny Pacquiao."

(TheBloggerSays: As I've said, Antonio doesn't deserved to be denied of a license. He's not a repeat offender, and with his passion for the sport, I don't think that he'll try to do the same offense. And with that, we'll have a fight on Nov. 13.)


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