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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Margarito Denied; Fight With Pacquiao In Doubt

   Former world champ Antonio Margarito was denied by the California State Athletic Commission for his boxing license due to his illegal hand wraps he had in his hands before his fight with Shane Mosley last year. And due to this, his bout with Manny Pacquiao on Nov. 13 in US soil is now in doubt.

   His Nevada application also said to be depending on the California decision while the Texas commission is still unclear on their willingness to give Margarito a license to fight. However, these rulings and suspension do not apply outside the US soil. So the option for a Margarito-Pacquiao in Mexico or anywhere outside US is now a big candidate.

   Margarito's former trainer, Javier Capetillo, whom he blamed on the hand wrap issue, is also suspended.

(TheBloggerSays: It's such a shame that they didn't grant Antonio's license. He's not a repeat-offender. And the fighter of his stature, I think, should be forgiven.)


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