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Friday, August 20, 2010

JuanMa-Marquez Showdown Postponed

   The much awaited showdown between WBO featherweight champ Juan Manuel Lopez of Puerto Rico and Rafael Marquez of Mexico scheduled on Sept. 18 will be postponed due to the injury the Mexican suffered during his training.

   "I am very disappointed but I know that these things happen on boxing. I hope the fight gets rescheduled soon an look forward to fighting Rafael Marquez" Lopez said, and Marquez also stated "I am very disappointed with what has happened to me. Everyone knows that's the fight I was waiting for. But I definitely won't be ready by Sept. 18. I don't know what will happen now. I came from the doctor and he told me not to fight. i'm sad for myself and the all of the Mexicans wanted to see us fight."

   The promoters, Top rank and Gary Shaw, are seemed to be pushing the bout 4 weeks from the original date.

(TheBloggerSays: Thank heavens that this fight will still go on. Boxing really needs fight like these nowadays.)


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